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axios 的封装。

¥Wrapper for axios.


Loading: true
Finished: false
Aborted: false
Available in the @vueuse/integrations add-on.



npm i axios@^1



import { useAxios } from '@vueuse/integrations/useAxios'

const { data, isFinished } = useAxios('/api/posts')

或使用 axios 的实例

¥or use an instance of axios

import { useAxios } from '@vueuse/integrations/useAxios'
import axios from 'axios'

const instance = axios.create({
  baseURL: '/api',

const { data, isFinished } = useAxios('/posts', instance)

使用带有配置选项的 axios 实例

¥use an instance of axios with config options

import { useAxios } from '@vueuse/integrations/useAxios'
import axios from 'axios'

const instance = axios.create({
  baseURL: '/api',

const { data, isFinished } = useAxios('/posts', { method: 'POST' }, instance)

当你没有通过 url。默认值为 {immediate: false}

¥When you don't pass the url. The default value is {immediate: false}

import { useAxios } from '@vueuse/integrations/useAxios'

const { execute } = useAxios()

这里的 execute 函数 url 是可选的,url2 将取代 url1

¥The execute function url here is optional, and url2 will replace the url1.

import { useAxios } from '@vueuse/integrations/useAxios'

const { execute } = useAxios(url1, {}, { immediate: false })

execute 函数只能接受 config

¥The execute function can accept config only.

import { useAxios } from '@vueuse/integrations/useAxios'

const { execute } = useAxios(url1, { method: 'GET' }, { immediate: false })
execute({ params: { key: 1 } })
execute({ params: { key: 2 } })

execute 函数根据网络请求的结果进行解析。

¥The execute function resolves with a result of network request.

import { useAxios } from '@vueuse/integrations/useAxios'

const { execute } = useAxios()
const result = await execute(url)

使用带有 immediate 选项的 axios 实例

¥use an instance of axios with immediate options

import { useAxios } from '@vueuse/integrations/useAxios'
import axios from 'axios'

const instance = axios.create({
  baseURL: '/api',

const { data, isFinished } = useAxios('/posts', { method: 'POST' }, instance, {
  immediate: false,


export interface UseAxiosReturn<
  R = AxiosResponse<T>,
  _D = any,
  O extends UseAxiosOptions = UseAxiosOptions<T>,
> {
   * Axios Response
  response: ShallowRef<R | undefined>
   * Axios response data
  data: O extends UseAxiosOptionsWithInitialData<T>
    ? Ref<T>
    : Ref<T | undefined>
   * Indicates if the request has finished
  isFinished: Ref<boolean>
   * Indicates if the request is currently loading
  isLoading: Ref<boolean>
   * Indicates if the request was canceled
  isAborted: Ref<boolean>
   * Any errors that may have occurred
  error: ShallowRef<unknown | undefined>
   * Aborts the current request
  abort: (message?: string | undefined) => void
   * Alias to `abort`
  cancel: (message?: string | undefined) => void
   * Alias to `isAborted`
  isCanceled: Ref<boolean>
export interface StrictUseAxiosReturn<
  O extends UseAxiosOptions = UseAxiosOptions<T>,
> extends UseAxiosReturn<T, R, D, O> {
   * Manually call the axios request
  execute: (
    url?: string | AxiosRequestConfig<D>,
    config?: AxiosRequestConfig<D>,
  ) => Promise<StrictUseAxiosReturn<T, R, D, O>>
export interface EasyUseAxiosReturn<T, R, D> extends UseAxiosReturn<T, R, D> {
   * Manually call the axios request
  execute: (
    url: string,
    config?: AxiosRequestConfig<D>,
  ) => Promise<EasyUseAxiosReturn<T, R, D>>
export interface UseAxiosOptionsBase<T = any> {
   * Will automatically run axios request when `useAxios` is used
  immediate?: boolean
   * Use shallowRef.
   * @default true
  shallow?: boolean
   * Abort previous request when a new request is made.
   * @default true
  abortPrevious?: boolean
   * Callback when error is caught.
  onError?: (e: unknown) => void
   * Callback when success is caught.
  onSuccess?: (data: T) => void
   * Sets the state to initialState before executing the promise.
  resetOnExecute?: boolean
   * Callback when request is finished.
  onFinish?: () => void
export interface UseAxiosOptionsWithInitialData<T>
  extends UseAxiosOptionsBase<T> {
   * Initial data
  initialData: T
export type UseAxiosOptions<T = any> =
  | UseAxiosOptionsBase<T>
  | UseAxiosOptionsWithInitialData<T>
export declare function useAxios<
  T = any,
  R = AxiosResponse<T>,
  D = any,
  O extends
    UseAxiosOptionsWithInitialData<T> = UseAxiosOptionsWithInitialData<T>,
  url: string,
  config?: AxiosRequestConfig<D>,
  options?: O,
): StrictUseAxiosReturn<T, R, D, O> & Promise<StrictUseAxiosReturn<T, R, D, O>>
export declare function useAxios<
  T = any,
  R = AxiosResponse<T>,
  D = any,
  O extends
    UseAxiosOptionsWithInitialData<T> = UseAxiosOptionsWithInitialData<T>,
  url: string,
  instance?: AxiosInstance,
  options?: O,
): StrictUseAxiosReturn<T, R, D, O> & Promise<StrictUseAxiosReturn<T, R, D, O>>
export declare function useAxios<
  T = any,
  R = AxiosResponse<T>,
  D = any,
  O extends
    UseAxiosOptionsWithInitialData<T> = UseAxiosOptionsWithInitialData<T>,
  url: string,
  config: AxiosRequestConfig<D>,
  instance: AxiosInstance,
  options?: O,
): StrictUseAxiosReturn<T, R, D, O> & Promise<StrictUseAxiosReturn<T, R, D, O>>
export declare function useAxios<
  T = any,
  R = AxiosResponse<T>,
  D = any,
  O extends UseAxiosOptionsBase<T> = UseAxiosOptionsBase<T>,
  url: string,
  config?: AxiosRequestConfig<D>,
  options?: O,
): StrictUseAxiosReturn<T, R, D, O> & Promise<StrictUseAxiosReturn<T, R, D, O>>
export declare function useAxios<
  T = any,
  R = AxiosResponse<T>,
  D = any,
  O extends UseAxiosOptionsBase<T> = UseAxiosOptionsBase<T>,
  url: string,
  instance?: AxiosInstance,
  options?: O,
): StrictUseAxiosReturn<T, R, D, O> & Promise<StrictUseAxiosReturn<T, R, D, O>>
export declare function useAxios<
  T = any,
  R = AxiosResponse<T>,
  D = any,
  O extends UseAxiosOptionsBase<T> = UseAxiosOptionsBase<T>,
  url: string,
  config: AxiosRequestConfig<D>,
  instance: AxiosInstance,
  options?: O,
): StrictUseAxiosReturn<T, R, D, O> & Promise<StrictUseAxiosReturn<T, R, D, O>>
export declare function useAxios<T = any, R = AxiosResponse<T>, D = any>(
  config?: AxiosRequestConfig<D>,
): EasyUseAxiosReturn<T, R, D> & Promise<EasyUseAxiosReturn<T, R, D>>
export declare function useAxios<T = any, R = AxiosResponse<T>, D = any>(
  instance?: AxiosInstance,
): EasyUseAxiosReturn<T, R, D> & Promise<EasyUseAxiosReturn<T, R, D>>
export declare function useAxios<T = any, R = AxiosResponse<T>, D = any>(
  config?: AxiosRequestConfig<D>,
  instance?: AxiosInstance,
): EasyUseAxiosReturn<T, R, D> & Promise<EasyUseAxiosReturn<T, R, D>>




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