¥Export size
由 export-size
¥generated by export-size
version: 10.2.0
date: 2023-06-06T20:51:12.857Z
请注意,这是每个单独 API 的打包包大小(不包括 Vue)。由于每个函数下面有很多共享工具,因此导入两个不同的函数并不一定意味着包大小将是它们的总和(通常更小)。根据你使用的打包器和压缩器,最终结果可能会有所不同,此列表仅供参考。
¥Please note this is bundle size for each individual APIs (excluding Vue). Since we have a lot shared utilities underneath each function, importing two different functions does NOT necessarily mean the bundle size will be the sum of them (usually smaller). Depends on the bundler and minifier you use, the final result might vary, this list is for reference only.
函数 | 分钟+gzip 压缩 |
UseColorMode | 6.07 KB |
UseImage | 5.17 KB |
UseScreenSafeArea | 4.77 KB |
UseDraggable | 4.5 KB |
UseOffsetPagination | 4.39 KB |
UseVirtualList | 4.38 KB |
UseDark | 4.35 KB |
UseTimeAgo | 4.31 KB |
UseMousePressed | 4.3 KB |
UsePointer | 4.3 KB |
UseNow | 4.28 KB |
UseTimestamp | 4.27 KB |
UseElementSize | 4.27 KB |
OnClickOutside | 4.26 KB |
OnLongPress | 4.26 KB |
UseMouseInElement | 4.26 KB |
UseElementVisibility | 4.25 KB |
UseElementBounding | 4.25 KB |
UseIdle | 4.24 KB |
UseGeolocation | 4.24 KB |
UsePointerLock | 4.24 KB |
VOnClickOutside | 4.24 KB |
vOnClickOutside | 4.24 KB |
UseFullscreen | 4.24 KB |
vScroll | 4.24 KB |
UseMouse | 4.24 KB |
UseDevicesList | 4.24 KB |
UseWindowSize | 4.23 KB |
UseEyeDropper | 4.23 KB |
UseObjectUrl | 4.23 KB |
vOnKeyStroke | 4.22 KB |
UsePreferredColorScheme | 4.22 KB |
UsePreferredDark | 4.22 KB |
UsePreferredReducedMotion | 4.22 KB |
UseWindowFocus | 4.22 KB |
UsePreferredContrast | 4.22 KB |
UsePreferredLanguages | 4.22 KB |
vElementSize | 4.22 KB |
UseDeviceMotion | 4.22 KB |
UseDocumentVisibility | 4.22 KB |
UseOnline | 4.22 KB |
UsePageLeave | 4.22 KB |
UseDevicePixelRatio | 4.22 KB |
UseActiveElement | 4.22 KB |
UseDeviceOrientation | 4.22 KB |
UseBrowserLocation | 4.21 KB |
vElementVisibility | 4.21 KB |
UseNetwork | 4.21 KB |
UseBattery | 4.21 KB |
VOnLongPress | 4.19 KB |
vOnLongPress | 4.19 KB |
vIntersectionObserver | 4.19 KB |
vElementHover | 4.19 KB |
vInfiniteScroll | 4.18 KB |
vScrollLock | 4.15 KB |
函数 | 分钟+gzip 压缩 |
usePrecision | 240 B |
useClamp | 214 B |
useMath | 198 B |
useProjection | 196 B |
useAverage | 195 B |
useSum | 194 B |
createProjection | 193 B |
useMin | 191 B |
useMax | 190 B |
createGenericProjection | 132 B |
and | 123 B |
logicAnd | 123 B |
logicOr | 122 B |
or | 122 B |
useTrunc | 120 B |
useAbs | 115 B |
useCeil | 115 B |
useRound | 115 B |
useFloor | 114 B |
logicNot | 109 B |
not | 109 B |
函数 | 分钟+gzip 压缩 |
default | 785 B |
函数 | 分钟+gzip 压缩 |
useRouteParams | 612 B |
useRouteQuery | 607 B |
useRouteHash | 514 B |
函数 | 分钟+gzip 压缩 |
useAxios | 1.56 KB |
useAsyncValidator | 1.34 KB |
useDrauu | 928 B |
createCookies | 727 B |
useSortable | 720 B |
useFocusTrap | 718 B |
useCookies | 691 B |
useIDBKeyval | 675 B |
useFuse | 445 B |
useNProgress | 425 B |
useChangeCase | 385 B |
useQRCode | 371 B |
useJwt | 313 B |
moveArrayElement | 238 B |
函数 | 分钟+gzip 压缩 |
useSubject | 235 B |
fromEvent | 217 B |
useObservable | 212 B |
from | 153 B |
useSubscription | 144 B |
toObserver | 88 B |
函数 | 分钟+gzip 压缩 |
useFirestore | 637 B |
useRTDB | 210 B |
useAuth | 164 B |
函数 | 分钟+gzip 压缩 |
useIpcRenderer | 460 B |
useZoomFactor | 317 B |
useZoomLevel | 281 B |
useIpcRendererOn | 242 B |
useIpcRendererInvoke | 218 B |
函数 | 分钟+gzip 压缩 |
watchTriggerable | 942 B |
throttledWatch | 831 B |
watchThrottled | 831 B |
useDateFormat | 807 B |
debouncedWatch | 786 B |
watchDebounced | 786 B |
ignorableWatch | 708 B |
watchIgnorable | 708 B |
pausableWatch | 674 B |
watchPausable | 674 B |
useInterval | 620 B |
until | 595 B |
useTimeout | 565 B |
formatDate | 543 B |
watchAtMost | 510 B |
controlledRef | 489 B |
refWithControl | 474 B |
refThrottled | 458 B |
throttledRef | 458 B |
useThrottle | 458 B |
reactivePick | 454 B |
toRefs | 451 B |
debouncedRef | 423 B |
refDebounced | 423 B |
useDebounce | 423 B |
useThrottleFn | 401 B |
computedEager | 398 B |
eagerComputed | 398 B |
reactiveOmit | 381 B |
watchWithFilter | 373 B |
useDebounceFn | 372 B |
makeDestructurable | 364 B |
useIntervalFn | 341 B |
useArrayIncludes | 340 B |
watchDeep | 325 B |
watchImmediate | 322 B |
reactifyObject | 305 B |
useTimeoutFn | 303 B |
throttleFilter | 289 B |
extendRef | 282 B |
watchArray | 281 B |
debounceFilter | 277 B |
reactiveComputed | 264 B |
normalizeDate | 261 B |
computedWithControl | 250 B |
controlledComputed | 250 B |
toReactive | 242 B |
syncRef | 237 B |
autoResetRef | 234 B |
refAutoReset | 234 B |
useArrayDifference | 231 B |
useArrayUnique | 215 B |
createSharedComposable | 213 B |
createEventHook | 212 B |
useToNumber | 203 B |
useToggle | 200 B |
useArrayFindLast | 191 B |
useCounter | 185 B |
createReactiveFn | 174 B |
increaseWithUnit | 174 B |
reactify | 174 B |
useArrayReduce | 171 B |
resolveRef | 169 B |
pausableFilter | 165 B |
toRef | 159 B |
syncRefs | 158 B |
isIOS | 146 B |
useLastChanged | 143 B |
set | 142 B |
createFilterWrapper | 139 B |
directiveHooks | 139 B |
useArrayEvery | 137 B |
useArrayFind | 137 B |
useArrayJoin | 137 B |
useArraySome | 137 B |
useArrayFindIndex | 136 B |
useArrayMap | 133 B |
createInjectionState | 132 B |
useArrayFilter | 132 B |
createGlobalState | 125 B |
createSingletonPromise | 122 B |
objectPick | 117 B |
objectOmit | 115 B |
tryOnBeforeMount | 114 B |
useToString | 111 B |
tryOnMounted | 109 B |
refDefault | 107 B |
watchOnce | 107 B |
promiseTimeout | 105 B |
tryOnScopeDispose | 100 B |
resolveUnref | 99 B |
whenever | 97 B |
rand | 95 B |
tryOnBeforeUnmount | 93 B |
toValue | 92 B |
isObject | 89 B |
clamp | 87 B |
isDefined | 86 B |
tryOnUnmounted | 85 B |
hasOwn | 83 B |
containsProp | 80 B |
get | 80 B |
assert | 78 B |
notNullish | 70 B |
bypassFilter | 69 B |
isClient | 68 B |
identity | 66 B |
objectEntries | 65 B |
timestamp | 65 B |
invoke | 63 B |
isDef | 62 B |
now | 61 B |
noop | 56 B |