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反应式 火库 结合。使本地数据始终与远程数据库保持同步变得简单。

¥Reactive Firestore binding. Making it straightforward to always keep your local data in sync with remotes databases. Available in the @vueuse/firebase add-on.



import { useFirestore } from '@vueuse/firebase/useFirestore'
import { initializeApp } from 'firebase/app'
import { collection, doc, getFirestore, limit, orderBy, query } from 'firebase/firestore'
import { computed, shallowRef } from 'vue'

const app = initializeApp({ projectId: 'MY PROJECT ID' })
const db = getFirestore(app)

const todos = useFirestore(collection(db, 'todos'))

// or for doc reference
const user = useFirestore(doc(db, 'users', 'my-user-id'))

// you can also use ref value for reactive query
const postsLimit = shallowRef(10)
const postsQuery = computed(() => query(collection(db, 'posts'), orderBy('createdAt', 'desc'), limit(postsLimit.value)))
const posts = useFirestore(postsQuery)

// you can use the boolean value to tell a query when it is ready to run
// when it gets falsy value, return the initial value
const userId = shallowRef('')
const userQuery = computed(() => userId.value && doc(db, 'users', userId.value))
const userData = useFirestore(userQuery, null)


¥Share across instances

你可以通过传递 autoDispose: false 来重用数据库引用。你还可以设置自动处置数据库引用之前的毫秒数。

¥You can reuse the db reference by passing autoDispose: false. You can also set an amount of milliseconds before auto disposing the db reference.

注意:再次获取未处理的数据库引用不需要 Firestore 读取。

¥Note : Getting a not disposed db reference again don't cost a Firestore read.

const todos = useFirestore(collection(db, 'todos'), undefined, { autoDispose: false })

或使用核心包中的 createGlobalState

¥or use createGlobalState from the core package

// store.js
import { createGlobalState } from '@vueuse/core'
import { useFirestore } from '@vueuse/firebase/useFirestore'

export const useTodos = createGlobalState(
  () => useFirestore(collection(db, 'todos')),
// app.js
import { useTodos } from './store'

export default {
  setup() {
    const todos = useTodos()
    return { todos }


export interface UseFirestoreOptions {
  errorHandler?: (err: Error) => void
  autoDispose?: boolean | number
export type FirebaseDocRef<T> = Query<T> | DocumentReference<T>
type Falsy = false | 0 | "" | null | undefined
export declare function useFirestore<T extends DocumentData>(
  maybeDocRef: MaybeRef<DocumentReference<T> | Falsy>,
  initialValue: T,
  options?: UseFirestoreOptions,
): Ref<T | null>
export declare function useFirestore<T extends DocumentData>(
  maybeDocRef: MaybeRef<Query<T> | Falsy>,
  initialValue: T[],
  options?: UseFirestoreOptions,
): Ref<T[]>
export declare function useFirestore<T extends DocumentData>(
  maybeDocRef: MaybeRef<DocumentReference<T> | Falsy>,
  initialValue?: T | undefined | null,
  options?: UseFirestoreOptions,
): Ref<T | undefined | null>
export declare function useFirestore<T extends DocumentData>(
  maybeDocRef: MaybeRef<Query<T> | Falsy>,
  initialValue?: T[],
  options?: UseFirestoreOptions,
): Ref<T[] | undefined>




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