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反应式 屏幕唤醒锁定 API。提供一种方法来防止设备在应用需要继续运行时变暗或锁定屏幕。

¥Reactive Screen Wake Lock API. Provides a way to prevent devices from dimming or locking the screen when an application needs to keep running.


Is Supported: false
Is Active: false



import { useWakeLock } from '@vueuse/core'

const { isSupported, isActive, forceRequest, request, release } = useWakeLock()

当调用 request 时,如果文档可见,将请求唤醒锁。否则,请求将排队,直到文档变得可见。如果请求成功,isActive 将为真。每当文档被隐藏时,isActive 将为假。

¥When request is called, the wake lock will be requested if the document is visible. Otherwise, the request will be queued until the document becomes visible. If the request is successful, isActive will be true. Whenever the document is hidden, the isActive will be false.

当调用 release 时,唤醒锁将被释放。如果有排队请求,它将被取消。

¥When release is called, the wake lock will be released. If there is a queued request, it will be canceled.

要立即请求唤醒锁,即使文档被隐藏,也使用 forceRequest。请注意,如果文档被隐藏,这可能会引发错误。

¥To request a wake lock immediately, even if the document is hidden, use forceRequest. Note that this may throw an error if the document is hidden.


type WakeLockType = "screen"
export interface WakeLockSentinel extends EventTarget {
  type: WakeLockType
  released: boolean
  release: () => Promise<void>
export type UseWakeLockOptions = ConfigurableNavigator & ConfigurableDocument
 * Reactive Screen Wake Lock API.
 * @see
 * @param options
export declare function useWakeLock(options?: UseWakeLockOptions): {
  sentinel: ShallowRef<WakeLockSentinel | null, WakeLockSentinel | null>
  isSupported: ComputedRef<boolean>
  isActive: ComputedRef<boolean>
  request: (type: WakeLockType) => Promise<void>
  forceRequest: (type: WakeLockType) => Promise<void>
  release: () => Promise<void>
export type UseWakeLockReturn = ReturnType<typeof useWakeLock>




v12.4.0 on 1/10/2025
dd316 - feat: use passive event handlers everywhere is possible (#4477)

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