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使用 V 模型


v-model 绑定的简写,props+emit->ref

¥Shorthand for v-model binding, props + emit -> ref

我们鼓励你使用 Vue 的 defineModel 而不是此可组合项,但是有一些特殊情况,例如使用 TSXdefineModel 不支持的 deep: true 选项。

¥We encourage you to use Vue's defineModel over this composable, however there are some edge-cases like using TSX or the deep: true option that defineModel doesn't support.



import { useVModel } from '@vueuse/core'

export default {
  setup(props, { emit }) {
    const data = useVModel(props, 'data', emit)

    console.log(data.value) //
    data.value = 'foo' // emit('update:data', 'foo')

<script setup>

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { useVModel } from '@vueuse/core'

const props = defineProps<{
  modelValue: string
const emit = defineEmits(['update:modelValue'])

const data = useVModel(props, 'modelValue', emit)


export interface UseVModelOptions<T, Passive extends boolean = false> {
   * When passive is set to `true`, it will use `watch` to sync with props and ref.
   * Instead of relying on the `v-model` or `.sync` to work.
   * @default false
  passive?: Passive
   * When eventName is set, it's value will be used to overwrite the emit event name.
   * @default undefined
  eventName?: string
   * Attempting to check for changes of properties in a deeply nested object or array.
   * Apply only when `passive` option is set to `true`
   * @default false
  deep?: boolean
   * Defining default value for return ref when no value is passed.
   * @default undefined
  defaultValue?: T
   * Clone the props.
   * Accepts a custom clone function.
   * When setting to `true`, it will use `JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value))` to clone.
   * @default false
  clone?: boolean | CloneFn<T>
   * The hook before triggering the emit event can be used for form validation.
   * if false is returned, the emit event will not be triggered.
   * @default undefined
  shouldEmit?: (v: T) => boolean
export declare function useVModel<
  P extends object,
  K extends keyof P,
  Name extends string,
  props: P,
  key?: K,
  emit?: (name: Name, ...args: any[]) => void,
  options?: UseVModelOptions<P[K], false>,
): WritableComputedRef<P[K]>
export declare function useVModel<
  P extends object,
  K extends keyof P,
  Name extends string,
  props: P,
  key?: K,
  emit?: (name: Name, ...args: any[]) => void,
  options?: UseVModelOptions<P[K], true>,
): Ref<UnwrapRef<P[K]>>




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