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¥Make elements draggable.


Check the floating boxes

👋 Drag me!
I am at 48, 80
Renderless component
Position persisted in sessionStorage
51, 150
👋 Drag here!
Handle that triggers the drag event
I am at 56, 240



<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { useDraggable } from '@vueuse/core'

const el = ref<HTMLElement | null>(null)

// `style` will be a helper computed for `left: ?px; top: ?px;`
const { x, y, style } = useDraggable(el, {
  initialValue: { x: 40, y: 40 },

  <div ref="el" :style="style" style="position: fixed">
    Drag me! I am at {{ x }}, {{ y }}


¥Component Usage

  <UseDraggable v-slot="{ x, y }" :initial-value="{ x: 10, y: 10 }">
    Drag me! I am at {{ x }}, {{ y }}

对于组件使用,可以将附加属性 storageKeystorageType 传递给组件并启用元素位置的持久性。

¥For component usage, additional props storageKey and storageType can be passed to the component and enable the persistence of the element position.

  <UseDraggable storage-key="vueuse-draggable" storage-type="session">
    Refresh the page and I am still in the same position!


export interface UseDraggableOptions {
   * Only start the dragging when click on the element directly
   * @default false
  exact?: MaybeRefOrGetter<boolean>
   * Prevent events defaults
   * @default false
  preventDefault?: MaybeRefOrGetter<boolean>
   * Prevent events propagation
   * @default false
  stopPropagation?: MaybeRefOrGetter<boolean>
   * Whether dispatch events in capturing phase
   * @default true
  capture?: boolean
   * Element to attach `pointermove` and `pointerup` events to.
   * @default window
  draggingElement?: MaybeRefOrGetter<
    HTMLElement | SVGElement | Window | Document | null | undefined
   * Element for calculating bounds (If not set, it will use the event's target).
   * @default undefined
  containerElement?: MaybeRefOrGetter<
    HTMLElement | SVGElement | null | undefined
   * Handle that triggers the drag event
   * @default target
  handle?: MaybeRefOrGetter<HTMLElement | SVGElement | null | undefined>
   * Pointer types that listen to.
   * @default ['mouse', 'touch', 'pen']
  pointerTypes?: PointerType[]
   * Initial position of the element.
   * @default { x: 0, y: 0 }
  initialValue?: MaybeRefOrGetter<Position>
   * Callback when the dragging starts. Return `false` to prevent dragging.
  onStart?: (position: Position, event: PointerEvent) => void | false
   * Callback during dragging.
  onMove?: (position: Position, event: PointerEvent) => void
   * Callback when dragging end.
  onEnd?: (position: Position, event: PointerEvent) => void
   * Axis to drag on.
   * @default 'both'
  axis?: "x" | "y" | "both"
   * Disabled drag and drop.
   * @default false
  disabled?: MaybeRefOrGetter<boolean>
   * Mouse buttons that are allowed to trigger drag events.
   * - `0`: Main button, usually the left button or the un-initialized state
   * - `1`: Auxiliary button, usually the wheel button or the middle button (if present)
   * - `2`: Secondary button, usually the right button
   * - `3`: Fourth button, typically the Browser Back button
   * - `4`: Fifth button, typically the Browser Forward button
   * @see
   * @default [0]
  buttons?: MaybeRefOrGetter<number[]>
 * Make elements draggable.
 * @see
 * @param target
 * @param options
export declare function useDraggable(
  target: MaybeRefOrGetter<HTMLElement | SVGElement | null | undefined>,
  options?: UseDraggableOptions,
): {
  position: Ref<{
    x: number
    y: number
  isDragging: ComputedRef<boolean>
  style: ComputedRef<string>
  x: Ref<number>
  y: Ref<number>
export type UseDraggableReturn = ReturnType<typeof useDraggable>




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